These are the people who efficiently run our organization during 2007.
President………………………………..Linda Pratt
Vice-President/Program………………Sally Davison
Secretary………………………………..Barbara Paskiet
Treasurer………………………………..Nancy Durnford
Ways and Means: Plant Sale…………Dianne Toffler, Coordinator
Linda Pratt, Assisting
Heralding the Holidays………………..Marcia O’Hara
Garden…………………………………..Georgeann Brown
Garden Volunteers: MVHS members are tending the Herb Garden at the Toledo Botanical Garden each Tuesday, April-October beginning at 9:30 a.m.
Historian…………………………………Linda Pratt
Library……………………………………Marybeth Landis
Publicity and Newsletter………………Brenda Sheely
Community Outreach…………………Officers
Social…………………………………….Sue Anderson. Joyce Day
Publications & Graphics………………Tom Durnford
TBG-ROC Representative……………Nancy Durnford