We’ll soon be heading to Michigan State University for the twenty -fourth annual conference of the Michigan Herb Associates on March ninth and tenth. Jim Long, who owns and operates Long Creek Herbs in Blue Eye, Missouri, and is a nationally known speaker and writer, is returning as the major speaker. One presentation will be on “Cutting Edge Plants”. He will tell us about many unique plants that he has entountered in his world wide travels and how some have been adapted for culinary and other uses in our gardens. He will also demonstate “Making Bentwood Trellises”. Some of the talks by other speakers will be ” Ar Rainbow of Colors in the Garden”, “Everything You Ever Wanted to Know about Horseradish, (the herb of the Year for 2011), but were Afraid to Ask”, and “Springtime Brunch Ideas with Herbs”.
There will also be herbal and garden items and books for sale, clay garden art and pots, pressed flower art, etc. We will have Herbal
Luncheons both days and a Banquet on Wednesday evening, a Silent Auction, Educational displays and much more. This is a trip that is always both worthwhile and enjoyable.