Category Archives: Events

Heralding The Holidays 2006

We invite you to join us in celebrating Heralding the Holidays at the Toledo Botanical Garden. The 2006 dates are:

Friday, December 1st, 5:00-9:00pm
Saturday, December 2nd, 10:00-5:00pm
Sunday, December 3rd, noon-5:00pm

You will find The Maumee Valley Herb Society in the Conference Center. If you are looking for unusual gifts, this is where you will find them. This year we’ve made herbal jams and jellies, vinegars, mustards and salsas. We have beautifully decorated wreaths and baskets of dried arrangements for gift giving or keeping at home. You will also find herbal craft items including: neck wraps, aprons, lavender sachets and items for your dog and cats. At our bake sale, along with the breads and cookies, you will even find dog bones. Come join us and the members of the other Toledo Botanical Garden resident organizations. You will not be disappointed!

Yahoo Map and Driving Directions to Toledo Botanical Garden

If you have any questions, email