Heralding The Holidays 2008

Our club members have been busy getting ready for Heralding for quite some time. We have already made herbal vinegars and jams and jellies, craft items, bath and body products, dried arrangements, herbal blends, and other gift items. Next week is our Mustard Workshop and the following week at our November meeting we will be decorating and pricing items for sale at Heralding. We wiill also have a bake sale of many delicious breads, cookies, etc for you to buy. There are many unique gift items that you can bid on during our Silent Auction that begins Friday evening at 5pm and closes on Saturday at 4pm. This year the dates and times for Heralding the Holidays are: Friday, December 5 from 5-9 pm., Saturday, December 6 from 10am to 5 pm, and Sunday, December 7 from Noon to 5pm. You will find us in the Conference Center of the Toledo Botanical Garden. The Garden is located at 5403 Elmer Drive in Toledo, OH. There will also be live entertainment for adults and children during this weekend. Horse drawn carriage rides will be available on Friday evening. Come and join us.

Herbal Market Cookbook Sale Price $10.00

Our cookbook, Herbal Market is still available and now it’s on sale! This is a collection of 180 recipes submitted by members and friends of the society. All include herbs in their ingredients. The recipes are placed in a 7X9 inch three ring loose leaf vinyl covered binder. They are arranged in fifteen sections each divided by a title page which lists interesting facts about the specific herb featured in that section, a tip for cooking with herbs and an original drawing of the herb for identification. A nutritional analysis, per serving, is supplied for each recipe. Topics include Starters, Soups, Salads, Entrees, Vegetables and Desserts.

It is designed for entertaining reading and easy use. A great gift for you and others.

Herbal Market Cookbook

The cost of Herbal Market is $10.00 plus tax, $1.16, total $11.16. It can be purchased by mail. Please add $5.00 per book for shipping and handling and address the order to Maumee Valley Herb Society c/o Toledo Botanical Garden, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio 43615. Checks should be payable to Maumee Valley Herb Society.

Proceeds support the Herb Garden at Toledo Botanical Garden.

Herb Plant Sale May 8, 9, and 10 at TBG

The members of the Maumee Valley Herb Society will have more than 200 different herbs available for sale. The hours for the plant sale at the Toledo Botanical Garden, located at 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio are: Thursday, May 8, (4-8 pm for TBG members only), Friday, May 9, 10 am to 5 pm and Saturday, May 10, 10 am to 5 pm. On Friday and Saturday the sale is open to the public. Our list of available herbs is on this website for you to print out and bring with you. We will be there to answer any questions you might have, and to make recommendations that will meet your individual gardening needs. Come and visit us and purchase our plants.

2008 Programs

Meetings of the Maumee Valley Herb Society are at the Toledo Botanical Garden Conference Center, 5403 Elmer Drive, Toledo, Ohio
Unless otherwise noted, meetings are open to the public and are held on the third Wednesday of each month from 9:30 am – Noon.

Wednesday, January 16 – 9:30 am – Noon
Philip Page, TBG Director of Operations
He will share images and stories from some of the public gardens he has worked in.

Wednesday, February 20 – 9:30 am – Noon
Rick Bryan will talk about propagating and planning

Tuesday, March 18 – 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
(Evening Meeting)
Leslie Snell will share Herbal Lore with us

Wednesday, April 16 – 9:30 am – 1:00 pm
Herb Garden Clean Up and Luncheon

Wednesday, May 21 – 9:30 am – Noon
Clinton Mauk, a best selling author, will speak on organic gardening/composting.
He will also speak on the history of Northwest Ohio and Toledo.

Wednesday, June 18 – 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Annual MVHS Picnic
Details will be in the June Herbal Messenger

Friday, July 18
Bus Trip to Yule Love It Lavender Farm in Leonard, MI
Details will be in the June and July Herbal Messengers

Wednesday, August 20 – 9:30 am – Noon
Tom Schone will talk about Herbal Trees

Tuesday, September 16 – 6:30 pm – 9:00 pm
(Evening Meeting)
Healthy Cooking with Sandy Earl

Wednesday, October 15 – 9:30am – Noon
Heralding the Holidays Workshop
Members will bag, label, and price items for sale at Heralding

Wednesday, November 19 – 9:30 am – Noon
Annual Meeting
Heralding the Holidays Workshop
Members will complete labeling and pricing of items for sale at Heralding

Wednesday, December 17 – 11:00 am – 2:00 pm
Holiday Potluck
Details in the December Herbal Messenger

2008 Special Events

There are three special events that the Maumee Valley Herb Society participates in each year at the Toledo Botanical Garden. These are:

The Spring Plant Sale
Dates for 2008 are May 8, 9 and 10
TBG Members Preview
Thursday, May 8 4 – 8 pm

Sale is open to the Public
Friday, May 9 10 am – 5 pm
Saturday, May 10 10 am -5 pm

You will find a large variety of herbs for sale here, many that are not available at our local garden centers. There is a plant list available on this website.

Arts in the Garden
August ?? Date to be announced later
Come and see artists at work and also view and purchase items they have for sale.
The Maumee Valley Herb Society will have a Used Book Sale and also have some herbal products for sale.

Heralding the Holidays
December 5, 6, 7
Friday, December 5 5 pm – 9 pm
Saturday, December 6 10 am – 5 pm
Sunday, December 7 Noon – 5 pm

This is your opportunity to purchase herbal gifts ranging from jams, jellies, and mustards to craft
items and baked goods with a few other categories of products in between. There are many other resident organizations at the Toledo Botanical Garden that will also have gifts for sale.

Maumee Valley Herb Society Officers and Committees for 2008

2008 Officers
President…………………………..Linda Pratt
Vice-President………………….Sandy Lanker
Secretary…………………………..E.J. Hewitt
Treasurer……………………..Nancy Durnford

2008 Committees
Ways and Means
Plant Sale……..Dianne Toffler, Coordinator
Heralding the Holidays………Marcia O’Hara
Garden……………………….Georgeann Brown

Garden Volunteers: MVHS members tend
the Herb Garden at Toledo Botanical Garden
each Tuesday from April – October,
beginning at 9:30 am.

Historian…………………………….Linda Pratt
Library………………………..Marybeth Landis
Publicity…………………………Brenda Sheely
Community Outreach…………..Facilitated by
the Officers
Social………………Sue Anderson, Joyce Day
TBG-ROC Representative…………Jeri Wiitala
Joyce Day
Newsletter………………………Brenda Sheely
Publications and Graphics……..Tom Durnford

Maj’s Memorial Bench

Plaque on Maj’s Memorial Bench uploaded by herbgardener12.

A lovely blue bench has been added to the herb garden in memory of one of our members. Maj Curtis passed away in November, 2006. Maj had been a member of Maumee Valley Herb Society for many years assuming leadership roles in the group. Her skill as a garden designer was evident in the herb garden as well as in other areas of Toledo Botanical Garden. Maj loved the color blue. She was known for her use of blue flowers and ornaments in her designs. The blue bench in her own garden inspired the choice of that color for her memorial.  We invite you to come and enjoy the herb garden as you relax on Maj’s Bench.

Maj’s Memorial Bench uploaded by herbgardener12.

Heralding the Holidays Begins Friday November 30

Heralding is almost here! We are very excited about all of the wonderful herbal products we have for sale. We’re also interested in seeing what the Weavers, Rock Hounds, Toledo Artists Club members, the Potters, and others are selling. Our Silent Auction and the Raffle that each organization contributes to have many different and unusual items for you. Friday evening the Toledo Botanical Garden will have special lighting to guide you to the various buildings as well as to the conference center where you will find the Maumee Valley Herb Society and other groups. Come and visit us. We’re certain that you will be pleased with what you find at Heralding.

Heralding Workshops

This was a busy week for Maumee Valley Herb Society members. On Tuesday, they made delicious herbal mustards to sell at Heralding. There you will find Wasabi Dijon, Queen Victoria’s Curry, Raspberry Dijon, Apricot Zip, Chili, Honey Ginger, and Tarragon Whiskey Mustards to purchase.

 On Wednesday, we bagged pot pourri, filled shoe sachets, lavender cone sachets, and lavender dryer bags that will last for about twenty five dryer loads with the herbs needed. We made gift tags, and priced many craft items, and also jellies, vinegars, pot pourris, etc. We are almost ready for you to visit with us at Heralding. We predict good weather for this event, and will be waiting for you on Friday, November 30 from 5-9 pm, on Saturday, December 1 from 10 am – 5 pm, and on Sunday, December 2 from noon to 5 pm.

Educating and spreading the love of herbs and herb gardening